I hope I don't go nuts deriving timing specs.
So my recommendation would be to use a dedicated 125 MHz reference for Ethernet and a 100 MHz
Alas, I'm using a pre-made board which has just a single 100MHz clock oscillator for a source. I can't change the clock source or easily add another clock. The good news is the 125MHz reference may not be needed with this board (was needed for a different board), but I got to study it some more. I note there is a 25MHz crystal tied directly to the Ethernet chip, so that maybe the required reference.
Clocks in the system:
100MHz input
200MHz ram source clock
-- 300 MHz derived ddr2 clock
-- 75 MHz derived memory interface clock
85.714 MHz video dot clock
50 MHz cpu clock
?125 MHz Ethernet clock
With all the clocks in the system, I may as well add another one for RS232 timing generation.
24 MHz? Serial comm clock.