ATOM-8 was a minimal 8 bit CPU, designed by Mr. Tomisaki.Arata(富崎新) and published in a Japanese magazine; "トランジスタ技術"(Transistor Technology) in issue #5 of 1973. Issue #6 was general software and issue #7 was on peripheral and supplementary, and was re-published in "つくるコンピュータ" (Homebrew Computer) 1976 issue.
It was similar to the Kenbak-1 in that it was a bit serial design, but with a much smaller program space of only 32 words.
Each 8 bit word had 3 bits for the instruction, and thus only 8 instructions, and 5 bits for an address.
It used 25 TTL MSI,SSI chips and an Intel 1101A 256 bit memory chip.
In 1974 a Mr. Nehi completed his construction of an Atom-8, but soon outgrew the limited memory.
In October 1975 he designed a 16 bit (parallel) CPU, the Easy-4, using 100 TTL chips, and had it working by December 1975. He soon expanded it with more memory and created a Very Tiny FORTRAN (VTF) language interpreter, and had his design published in Japan in 1977 in Radio-Science magazine.
Details and pictures here:- here:- his Very Tiny FORTRAN interpreter:-
P.S. It has an nusual construction technique of ‘dead bug’ wire-wrapping.