Here's a blog series which is likely to be good reading and become a valuable reference: Jeff Tranter is setting out to build a 68000-based computer, with through hole parts and wire-wrapped connections, and to document the process and make the design data available.
http://jefftranter.blogspot.co.uk/2016/ ... puter.html
I bought an excellent book on the 68000: Microprocessor Systems Design 68000 Hardware, Software, and Interfacing by Alan Clements. This is one of the best books on the 68000 in my opinion, covering both software and hardware in some detail.
The book describes a 68000 single board computer called the TS2. It was used for training at the University of Teesside where the author taught. It was similar to, and mostly software compatible with, the Motorola 68000 Educational Computer Board.
I realized that there was enough detail in the book, including schematics and theory of operation, that the board design could be replicated. Unlike some designs in textbooks, this one had actually been built and tested.