Hi All,
Recently some early (1968) listings of IBM 1130 assembly language have appeared that contain Charles Moore's first FORTH interpreter. In addition to this 12 page asm listing are 4 pages of early FORTH source code that bootstraps the disk on the 1130 machine and integrates it into the early FORTH system.
The Forth interpreter is contained in about 2000 bytes of IBM 1130 assembly language, which in turn boots a Forth assembler and then goes on to boot some disk operating commands. The result - on an 1130 simulator is "Hi There".
We are actively examining these listings and running the code on an 1130 simulator to further understand how Forth was implemented on the 1130 - just 50 years ago.
The listings are here
http://www.forth.org/svfig/kk/02-2018-Claunch.zipCarl Claunch has an IBM 1130 restoration Blog
https://rescue1130.blogspot.co.uk/2018/ ... rking.htmland the rest - they say, is history