BigEd wrote:
My advice would be first to consider your budget, and then to consider which of the finished projects would make you feel the greatest sense of accomplishment. Then proceed: buy the kit, and build it, and try to finish.
It's easy to spend months or years doing nothing because there are too many choices, or because you started several projects in parallel.
I've finished all of my kits except one which I just found in a box and I could put both new projects in less than two months.
I want to buy Diptrace which is like Eagle Cad. I don't want to pay more than the 500 pin version so I'm hoping it is enough for a single board computer but I can always upgrade next year for $200.
How I feel is the Minimig has an SD card but not a hard drive and that the operating system is a dated system and because Commodore is dead and some programming information is hard to find. In that sense, I feel it is a closed system although I'm sure it would be a lot of fun. The Minimig does have an RS232 port so any hard drive would have to make use of it.
The Uzebox looks fun but It is essential to know C. I think everyone would agree that unless you know Linux and or C today, you are pretty much limited in all of the more modern systems unless you know how to program them in assembly.
The Apatco computer looks like a fun way to learn building a 6502 computer. The positive thing is that I would learn a little about how it works and my question is whether it would give me enough of an understanding how other processors work or not. I'm also afraid that it is a little dated no matter how good it is.
I'm also wondering if a 180 MHZ Arm board is too advanced for me to learn on but I have to learn "C" or machine language and I haven't seen a lot of free compilers yet that don't have restrictions or strings attached. I also realize that I would have to use a circuit board cad program like Diptrace and practice a little surface mount soldering because in order to connect Eproms to ARM, through the hole soldering can only handle about 50 MHZ. This equipment is what I'm talking about: this book: ... 185617963X ... Caps%2C178