I'm trying to figure out how to get going with somewhat more powerful PIC microcontrollers (µCs) than the PIC16's I've designed into many products. My old DOS MPLAB assembler supports up to PIC17's, but I see the 17's are no longer available. The 17's had the same basic architecture as the 16's but with more instructions. Now there are the 18's (before you get to the 24's and higher). The 18's appear to be the 17's further improved, unlike the higher-numbered PICs which apparently have an entirely different architecture, the 32-bit ones using the MIPS4000 architecture. I see the 18's have a memory-mapped hardware stack which I've been wanting, and gets rid of at least
some bank limitations, and finally allows stacking W and STATUS. Three FSRs ain't bad either.
Microchip's parts are not the most powerful, but Microchip seems to be in a much better financial situation than especially Atmel to not go belly-up in the foreseeable future. I know from plenty of experience that TI's support is
terrible, so I will not use their µCs. I don't know much about what Motorola is up to these days in µCs, but I get the idea that they're not oriented toward hobbyists and tiny companies. When I looked into National for their COP800 µCs years ago for a product, they basically told us to go away, that we weren't big enough for them to be interested in us. The COP800 family is apparently gone now, and unfortunately National has been taken over by TI anyway. There are other companies of course, but Microchip and Atmel seem to be the biggest contenders.
Microchip has an IDE that runs on Linux, but all I really want is an assembler and programmer that will run under Linux. I'm not impressed with what the guys using the IDEs can (or, should I say, can't) do. The development method I've worked out over the years seems to be quite effective, the latest addition being the
structure macros. The assembly program listings in Microchip's own literature is very archaic by comparison.
I made my own PIC programmer (which is controlled by my 65c02-based workbench computer) back when the programmers were very expensive, particularly production-grade ones which could span the voltage range needed by the EPROM-based PICs to verify reliability of the programming. (Mine does this.) That doesn't seem to be an issue anymore with the flash-based ones. According to Dave Jones' EEV Blog #39 on the PICkit 3 programmer, it's lousy compared to the PICkit 2 which is no longer available. It appears that it's also only for 3V-- or was that the PICkit 4 and AVR Dragon, from EEV Blog #448--I can't remember.
If you have any knowlege in these that might help, I'd welcome it. Microchip's own website has not been nearly as helpful as I would like.