this video, CuriousMarc tours the 1958 FACOM 128B relay computer. At around 9:00 he mentions that most relay machines of the time ran "natively in floating point".[1]
Is there anything special about relays with regards to favoring floating point arithmetic? At the end of the day, given 'x' and 'y', a logic gate should output 'z' regardless of how it is physically implemented...
Also, does "natively floating point" apply just to the ALU? I assume the program counter would have a separate counter that does integer math? What about memory addressing? Is there some circuit dedicated to converting a floating point address to its integer equivalent that can then be sent to the memory "unit"?
Is there a reason integer arithmetic is favored over floating-point in "modern" CPUs? (I.e. imagine a CPU whose assembly language looks like: `
ADD r1, 3.14`)?
[1]: I have a vague understanding of Konrad Zuse's machines, which were also relay based and floating point arithmetic.