What is the minimum set of instructions in a practical microprocessor? The CISC processors generally have 100 or more instructions. The RISC processors have about 50 instructions. In our investigations, it was obvious that 16 instructions are not sufficient to support all the necessary functions required in a microprocessor. 50 instructions are too many. The minimum number of instructions is somewhere between 16 and 32. A convenient choice is to limit the number of instructions to 32 and implement a microprocessor with 5 bit instructions.
It does seem to be a bit of a sweet spot, 16 or a bit more.
Even our OPC5ls ended up at 17 instructions(!) and the OPC6 went on into the 20s. What we were doing was trying to minimise the complexity of the implementation. An alternative, and perhaps this is the way to look at this MISC project, is to aim to minimise the difficulty of supporting a particular application or HLL.
I recently read
something about the whole RISC vs CISC, and the line it took was this: we pretty much know what a RISC looks like, it will have 5 or 6 properties out of 6 or 7 defining properties. And CISC, really, is everything else! Say that you have a RISC, and you could make a reasonable set of guesses about what it's like, whereas a CISC can look like anything.
OISC on the other hand (that's the 4th hand now) is
mostly of theoretical, esoteric, or impractical interest.